Meridian High School Class of 1984
Randy Tolsma
30 years ago I had a vague understanding of life, yet thought I was wise and had life planned out. Today I am much wiser, but only because I realize how little I know, how naïve I am and there are parts of life that I cannot control.

I am proud of the town I grew up in and certainly proud of the school I graduated from. Meridian was a launching pad for a career where I pursued my childhood dream. I have lived throughout the country and been able to travel many parts of the world, but have yet to find anything as wonderful as a summer night in Idaho.

It is fun to see the success of classmates through the channels of social media. It has also been sad shedding tears with those that mourn, even if virtually. I feel like I am closer to many than in the previous years and I’m sad that I will not be able to attend.

I will certainly be there in spirit. Have fun class of 1984!
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