Meridian High School Class of 1984
Kathy Allumbaugh (Scott)
30 years and so much to sum up . Where did I last leave off after the 20 year reunion?
We lost my husband Jeff to cancer in May 2005. That was a dark and sad time. I can't say too much about that without dwelling on myself.
The kids are grown, no one is married and there are no grandkids. Sharon works for Chase Bank in Boise and graduated BSU in May 2012. My stepdaughters , Leah and Jessie, are living in Odessa, TX working for their birth mother's mortgage appraisal business chasing the money from the oil industry. Jessie graduated BSU May of 2013. My youngest, Riley, went to Montana for college at Montana Tech graduating December of 2013. He is a petroleum engineer working in northern Colorado based out of Casper, WY.
I am a proud mom. I am still at the phone company, 24 years now and have been engaged to Bob Huston for almost 7 years. There isn't a rush, LOL!
We are happy and I hope you are happy too!
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